FlashBack Express 6 Version History
See what's new and improved
v6.17 : Feb 27th 2025
- Added option to change save location when the currently selected folder cannot be accessed due to missing folder permissions.
- Fix: The webcam window can be repositioned and resized while recording.
- Fix: Possible crash when using auto-start
v6.16 : Feb 7th 2025
- Fix: Crash when starting the app while a custom webcam background is enabled.
v6.15 : Feb 4th 2025
- Free users now prompted to update to v7.0
- AI Credits introduced for AI features in line with v7.0 billing
v6.14 : May 30th 2023
- Add automatically generated subtitles to your videos.
- OneDrive added as a new upload destination.
- Some small user interface changes to the Edit and Upload window.
v6.13 : March 13th 2023
- Fix: Possible crash when scheduled recording ends while the PC is locked
- Fix: Microphone volume could get stuck at 0%
- Fix: The region frame could remain visible while the app was minimised to the system tray
- Fix: The menu on the main window could flicker
- Fix: The problem report description field did not scroll
- All licence checks now use HTTPS instead of HTTP
- A change to the structure of the Windows Start folders menu
- Added GPU usage stats to the log files to help diagnose performance problems
- The installer can now uninstall when the -u parameter is passed
v6.12 : January 10th 2023
- Webcam background removal accuracy has been improved
- Recovery of incomplete video files from interupted recording sessions has been improved
- Added pre-recording upgrade reminder for free users
- Added new options to menu for entering a license key and upgrading for free users
- Fix: A region larger than 3840×2160 could be selected when using multiple screens
- Fix: Control bar position could be incorrect when recording multiple screens that are set to different resolutions
- Fix: Possible hang after unlocking PC and resuming a paused recording session
v6.11 : December 7th 2022
- Added new recording reminder tooltip.
- Added progress bar for when a video is being recovered on start-up after a crash.
- Fix: MP4 files may not work on Apple devices.
- Fix: Hang on start-up when trying to recover a video.
- Fix: Possible crash for AMD users.
- Fix: Possible hang when trying to open saved video from Your Videos window.
v6.10 : September 1st 2022
- Adds exporting to WMV, AVI, MKV, GIF formats.
- Fix: crash on startup.
- Fix: when recording from the microphone, the default Windows mic was used instead of the selected one.
- Fix: crash when setting the recording region.
- Fix: would not start recording due to invalid region being set.
- Fix: valid licence key was not accepted on some PCs.
- Fix: recordings could be broken by pressing Pause while the recording was being finalised.
- Fix: scheduled recordings could not start on very low performance PCs.
- Shortcuts/Hotkeys can be unset by pressing the Delete key.
- Webcam background removal features are hidden for PCs with 4Gb of RAM or less.
v6.9 : July 18th 2022
- Auto-trim mode added so only the most recent minutes are saved
- Added an option to display the control bar when recording fullscreen (enabled by default)
- Fix: Several crashes
- Fix: ‘Failed’ status displayed for scheduled recordings that were manually ended early
- Fix: Couldn’t start recording from the system tray when the Video or Edit window was active but minimized
v6.8 : June 15th 2022
- Fix: Videos would not load if no sound device was available for playback
- Fix: Possible crash when double clicking the Stop button
- Fix: Possible hang during saving for Intel users
- Fix: Possible hang on start caused by app being unable to read a previously saved video.
v6.7 : June 6th 2022
- A crash report window will appear if a crash is detected
- Option to import licence file added
- Progress indicator may occasionally appear when opening larger videos
- Fix: Possible crash when opening an incomplete or invalid video file
- Fix: Recording could fail if the Windows user account had limited permissions
- Fix: Recorder window could appear on top of Windows lock screen
v6.6 : April 26th 2022
- Scheduling features added
- Small webcam improvements
v6.5 : April 8th 2022
- Fix: Could not authenticate to YouTube, Google Drive or Dropbox due to Flashback window appearing in front of browser
- Fix: Some message popups could get stuck behind the main window
- FIx: Some buttons could become incorrectly sized
v6.4 : April 6th 2022
- Fix: Possible crash caused by webcams
- Improved crash stats added to anonymous usage data
v6.3 : March 23rd 2022
- French and Japanese languages now available
- Fix: Possible crash when opening the Video & Audio tab of the Settings
- Small cosmetic changes
v6.2 : March 9th 2022
- Fix: A region larger than the desktop could be selected
- Fix: Recorder window and Videos window did not open on the same screen as each other when navigating between them
- Small cosmetic changes
v6.1 : February 25th 2022
- Fix: Possible crash when opening the Settings
- Fix: Possible crash on start-up
- Fix: Broken help link on the license popup
v6.0.6 : February 14th 2022
- Out of Beta!
- Fix: locking the PC while recording could result in the recording not appearing in the Videos window.
- Fix: rarely, FlashBack Express could appear to have crashed when recording stopped.
- Improvement: on multi monitor PCs, the Videos and Clipper windows now appear on the same display as the window that spawned them.
- Improved support for older webcams and fixed a webcam bug that could crash Flashback when the Settings window was displayed.
- Lots of smaller name changes and cosmetic fixes for the release.
v6.0.5 : January 20th 2022
- ‘Export audio only’ function now exports MP3 instead of AAC.
- Fix: exporting video or audio while playing caused an error.
- Various cosmetic fixes and improvements.
v6.0.4 : December 9th 2021
- Adds: Webcam – blur your background, use an image or make it transparent.
- Adds: HD webcam option.
- Fix: installer taskbar icon is no longer hidden.
v6.0.3 : November 29th 2021
- Fix: maximising the Video and Clipper windows with Windows scaling > 100% would not exactly fill the screen.
- Adds: option to have recording frame snap to regions and windows.
- Improved: Various UI changes and improvements.
- Improved: Installer now has a taskbar icon.
- Various smaller fixes.
v6.0.2 : October 15th 2021
- Adds: mouse click highlights.
- Fix: occasionally, the main recorder window would not be displayed after opening the Settings window.
- Fix: error messages seen on startup on some PCs.
- Improved: recorder tray icon flashes when recording.
- Various smaller fixes and improvements.
v6.0.1 : October 6th 2021
- Improved: after selecting ‘Window’ recording, that selection stays visible until the region is changed, something else selected or FlashBack restarted.
- Improved: form used to send report is reset after OK clicked on confirmation message.
- Improved: recording file renamed when video renamed in the application.
- Improved: reduced delay in webcam video.
- Improved: the ‘new’ badge is removed from videos when the Videos window is closed in addition to when the video is opened.
- Fix: error when stopping recording after PC put to sleep while FlashBack was recording.
- Fix: problems using the Pause/Restart hotkey – messages were shown on each press.
- Fix: FlashBack would crash on first start in a new installation.
- Fix: after recording, FlashBack could crash after some time.
- Fix: problems caused by the video name having no length restrictions.
- Fix: the installer UI could be fouled up by selecting a very long install folder name then clicking ‘Options’ again.
- Fix: now falls back to software encoder if it cannot create an AMD hardware encoder
- Fix: in the Clipper, when setting the clip length, the duration displayed was not in sync with the start and end times displayed.
v6.0.0 : September 2021
- Fix: recordings would not play back on some PCs.
- Fix: when recording dual screens, the 3-2-1 and shortcut reminder would be split across the 2 screens.
- Fix to cursor highlight positioning for non-pointer cursors.
- Fix: the vertical toolbar could disappear when making a region recording after a fullscreen recording.
- Improved: when webcams are locked by other applications (e.g. Zoom), FBEx6 now shows messages explaining why it can’t use the webcam.
- Improved: webcams that are connected or unconnected while FBEx6 is running are removed from its list.
- Improved: handling when updating FBEx6 while it is running or its files are in-use.
- Improved: audio waveform now displayed in the Editor/Clipper.
v1.0.0 : September 2021
- The first Beta release!
This is the first look at the future of FlashBack. Let us know what you think.